Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Chennai Metro officially known as Chennai Metro Rail Limited is a rapid transit system serving the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Chennai Metro is the 4th largest metro system in India after Delhi metro, Bangalore metro and Kolkata metro. The system consists of a mix of underground and elevated stations and uses standard gauge. The operating time is in between 6:00 to 22:00hrs with a varying frequency of 10-20min. The train has four coaches. The rail tracks are manufactured in Brazil and raw materials was supplied by TATA steel. The average operating speed is 35kmph(22mph) and maximum speed is 80kmph(50mph). The train will have a first class compartment and a women's section with 14 seats in the first class car and 44 seats in the normal car. The trains are air-conditioned with electrically operated automatic sliding doors and a regenerative braking system. The cars will operate on 25KV AC through an overhead canary system. The trains are connected to the grid via overhead cables and are equipped with regenerative braking with a capacity to recover 30-35% of the braking during braking.

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